Paintball Equipment RSS
More Camouflaging Tips!
If you've been keeping up on our latest blog series, then you already know how important it is to camouflage yourself properly during a game of paintball. So far we've gone over camouflaging the shiny part of your paintball gun, distorting your shape, moving properly and staying quiet. The following is a list of the last couple of things that you should consider when you are camouflaging yourself for a fun game of paintball!: Pay attention to color - Although regular camouflage colors and patterns are generally appropriate, before you go out and buy them, consider the terrain that you will...
The Importance of Camouflage During Paintball
Too many paintball players find themselves relying all too much on their paintball gear. You can have the very best paintball equipment and marker, but if you make yourself an obvious target, you will be out of the game before you even get started! Although constant movement is an important part of being a successful paintball player, if you want to be as stealthy as you can be, then you need to learn how to camouflage yourself. In one of our previous blogs, we talked about the two kinds of paintball play, woodball and speedball. To recap, woodball is generally a...
Dressing for Your First Paintball Game
Are you getting ready to play your very first game of paintball? Once you have all of your paintball equipment, it is time for you to start thinking about what you will wear on the field. Playing a game of paintball is a little more intense than playing laser tag or having a Nerf war. The fact of the matter is, Paintballs can sting, and they can be hard on your clothes. Because of these considerations, you need to take a bit of extra care when dressing for your first game. Dressing for your first game of paintball can be a...