Paintball Guns RSS
Paintball Basics
Every once in a while we need to go back to basics and talk to the novices out there. Firstly, welcome to the fun, exciting world of paintball! There is a whole world of paintball to explore with it’s own vocabulary, techniques, equipment, and obsessions to enjoy. In this blog we’ll go over a few basics words. Marker this word is generally used in place of Paintball Gun. Air system. A paintball gun, or marker uses a compressed gas canister to propel the paintball. The gas usually used is carbon dioxide or high pressure air, though nitrogen is a very...
More Camouflaging Tips!
If you've been keeping up on our latest blog series, then you already know how important it is to camouflage yourself properly during a game of paintball. So far we've gone over camouflaging the shiny part of your paintball gun, distorting your shape, moving properly and staying quiet. The following is a list of the last couple of things that you should consider when you are camouflaging yourself for a fun game of paintball!: Pay attention to color - Although regular camouflage colors and patterns are generally appropriate, before you go out and buy them, consider the terrain that you will...
How to Camouflage Yourself for Paintball
Have you had a chance to check out our latest blog yet? If you have, then you already know how important it is to camouflage yourself properly for a game of paintball. To recap, we talked about how having the right paintball gun and equipment is important, but how you camouflage yourself could make or break the game. Unfortunately, not many people know how to camouflage themselves properly. That is why our experts have come up with the following tips for camouflaging yourself: Eliminate shine - In the woods, the only thing that gives off a shine will be water, which...
Make Your Marker More Accurate With an Upgraded Barrel
In our last blog, we talked about how important paintball size is for the accuracy of your marker. Paintball size is the first part of the puzzle, the second part is the Paintball barrel. To recap, if your Paintballs are too small or too large for your barrel, you'll get a lot of wobble (too big of a barrel) and air blowing around the ball. Meaning you won't be able to get as accurate a shot. Too small of a barrel and the paint might get stuck and then you have a barrel break. Paintball size is one and the barrel is...
More Tips For Keeping Your Paintball Marker Like New
If you've stayed up to date on our previous blogs, then you already know how to properly clean your paintball gun and how to lubricate your paintball gun. Cleaning and lubricating your marker are key for keeping it in good condition, but there are a couple more things that you should do to keep it working like new: Wiping down and lubing your o-rings. you should wipe the old grease off and re grease the O-rings that see movement every 2-3 month or if there's a lot of dust at your field once a month. A tube of grease should...